Thursday 22 September 2011

No idea!

Drawing in the style of realism can take countless hours, so one needs a great amount of patient to do the work well!

I have fun researching stock photo's and collect many of them, I look at celebs that may be interesting to draw...I like to draw someone or something a bit different each time, not that I do, but I like to!
The drawing of the light bulb "No idea" has been a favorite of mine and was the most fun to draw!the detailing part of inside broken part ,wires and the glass shine was difficult but interesting. Again,drawing all this stuff to make it look real and others to appreciate you need patience!

Patience is the main thing, I find that having little makes my work look very unfinished, so I have learned to have lots of it!! Enjoying and having a desire to draw is very important for me, also practice, lots of practice! The materials I use at this time are Bristol paper, camel pencils H,2H,HB,4B, 6B, 8b,  cotton, kneaded non dust eraser

You are working on some art piece and are not able to make it that fine and realtistic!!!
Work hard and long on each piece, do not and I will say this again, DO NOT rush a drawing, it takes much time and you should learn to slow down and draw every tiny detail. View other artist works, ask questions, listen to the answers and try them out. You'll see a difference in your work if you indeed take your time creating it...oh and thank you to all that read my blog!

"Weblog-iFest 2011"


A challenge gets you to work harder.
          For me ,it was really a challenge to draw 1969's FORD MUSTANG as it is difficult to draw the shining material like metal and glasses.I am really slow at my work so it took me around 5 days to complete it. I also learned to slow down even more to get those textures just right.

          Patience is the key that works for most all things in life so yes it does pay off!  Drawing in the style of realism can take countless hours, so one needs a great amount of patient to do the work well! 

 When I'm drawing I try to capture true life as we see and know it.  Working slowly on tiny details is my favorite part of drawing. 
         All the shining stuff in the Mustang took a lot of time. I look forward to seeing the drawing progress, but I also know that by working on a small area at a time I am able to focus much better.  So for me the beauty of the finished drawing is always in sight while working on tiny details. 
But this kind of stuff to focus on small things frustrates me a lot. At that time should i stop drawing or just complete it. This crossroad has happened to me many times.  Sometimes I succeed in walking away, other times I don't.  What is happening in that moment of frustration, at least one possibility--we are too "close" to the work, literally and emotionally.  Our left brain, with its specialty in technical skills, may have become too engaged in what it thinks "should" be happening, and is failing to let the painting create its own unique possibilities. 
         What do you do when you're feeling frustrated with something that's happening in the midst of your painting?  The best suggestion I have, stop right there and step back. Leave the sketch alone for a few hours or a few days. Work on a different painting or sketch, or do something entirely different, and come back to it when you and your eyes are fresh again, and see what you think.


Monday 12 September 2011

Art of Imagination

Hii Guys I’m Sohaj but of course your attention is fixed on the girl in picture.
I met her on a Volvo bus from Chandigarh to Roorkee.
Or so I thought!!!
That’s upto you to decide.
But first read the flashback account of how I met her, of “How I met _____?”

12.34 AM
Finally, the party was over!!!
It was too hectic, I was driving like a drunk. What added to the trouble was the fact that I had to catch the Volvo at 1.30 AM to Roorkee.
Not that I wanted to attend the class, but I was just barely on 75% attendance
I hurried back home. Mom and dad were waiting impatiently when I'll be back; I guess they still didn't trust my skills on wheels. My bags were packed and some food, my fav alloo parathey and mom's hand made pickle. BTW you should have my mom's hand-made pickle. They are the best!!!!! Hhhh... Then back to topic. Yes it was 1.04 AM and I have to catch my bus. So I hugged mom said byee to my brother and with dad started off to bus station. As I said I'm good on wheels I reached bus station just on time. it was 1.29 AM and bus was about to move. Duhhh this bus never left on time and this day when I AM LATE, the bus is ready to roll. Anyways I said a hurried bye to dad touched his feet and boarded the bus. Damn I was tired. Maybe I'll get some good night sleep and be fresh for my class. I DOZED OFF!!!!
Then I felt someone sitting besides me. I opened my eyes grudgingly and prepared to adjust as surely some aged uncle or aunty would have been booked beside me. This usually happens with me. Afterall only in movies are hero and heroins are paired together. So I preped myself, and looked sideways. Lo and behold!!! Now saying the usual bollywood dialogue, "She the most beautiful face I have ever seen" would be an understatement. SHE WAS!!!!! I was dumbstruck. How can someone be so hot. And how come she's sitting beside me. I was staring at her opened eyes and she smiled and said, "Excuse me would you please help me put up my bag?", Sure why not?? Want me to carry them home??? Anyway I helped her with her luggage we took our seat. After the usual 2 min ice-cold silence (I ACTUALLY FELT COLD, WAS THE AC TOO COLD???) I said, "HI!!!! I'm Sohaj...." and without missing a beat like she was waiting for it she said, "Hiii Sohaj I'm Alisha." WOOOOWWW 'S' word. Then I asked her where she was going and what she was doing and all. She was studying in Roorkee and was visiting her family in Chandigarh. She lived in sector 53. That's in Mohali. So what, I'll go to chennai to meet her again. In return I told her I'm a student in IIT Roorkee and I also was visiting family in Chandigarh. She asked about my family and I told her about bhaiyaa, dad and mom. MOM!!!! Great!!! Maybe mom's pickle would help!! I offered her my mom alloo parathey and pickle which she refused saying she was full. Well a stunning girl or not I would never leave my mom's parathey and ate till I was full. Meanwhile she asked about my colg and I proudly told her all the stuff, like our sports facility our main building and our heritage Mahatma Gandhi Library. Also how much our profs loved us and tried keeping us free (OK BAD JOKE!!!!). She took a lot of interest and giggled when I told her our profs love us. Maybe I was blabbering but I had her genuine and undivided attention and interest. It was visible in her eyes. There was something about her eyes. It seemed my whole world will fit inside. DUDE!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!!! Maybe I was feeling too much sleepy, that's why I'm thinking too much. But still her square chiseled face was too soft. Some kind of sadness which would make anyone staring at her for a moment, start caring for her. God bless her!!!! That was too much I went to sleep. I should be rested to attend my class today. So I slept!!! OR I thought so!!!! I dunno but maybe an hour after she woke me up and said, "Do you have some water??" I passed her my water bottle and she took a long gulp. Damn she was really gorgeous. I somehow knew I enjoyed being with her. Although we haven't talked a lot. But her sweet short giggling, her sad but soft face. Like something was hurting her inside. I developed some feeling for her. But then a sinking feeling came into my stomach. Dude, she'll leave on the Roorkee bus stop. And I'll never see her again. DAMN I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!! But why should I??? We just met a couple of hours ago. But I enjoyed the whole time. OK I was asleep for what maybe an hour or so. But I enjoyed the rest of it. I wanted her!!!! I mean I wanted to know her more, know her better. I should ask for her phone number. But I need an excuse for asking for her number. IDEA!!!! First time in 3yrs of my stay at IIT Roorkee I'm proud of my location. So gathering all my courage I asked, "Hey , we both are from Chandigarh and study here in Roorkee. Maybe we should stay in touch and plan our trips home together. Afterall journeys are so much boring without an companion. Like you know I'm get bored everytime but today is different. I like feel....", she interrepted me with a sweet mischievious smile said, "But you have only slept till now. I though I was boring you." Damn......
"No no no, I was a bit tired and......"
"It's ok!! I'm just teasing you. BTW what was your point before???"
That was too much for me. I thought forget it I shouldn't have bothered to ask, I shouldn't have woken up. But then she, the most beautiful girl, shouldn't be sitting beside me, asking for water, giggling, smiling and teasing me. What AM I thinking??? Let me ask and let's get over with it. She'll refuse, so what??? I'll forget her in a few days. Profs and their tutorials will make sure I do. So I asked, "Nothing....I just...Ummmm....Wanted to exchange numbers so we can be in we can go home together...." She started giggling again. Please someone make her stop. I can't resist her giggling anymore. "Why make such an big issue of it yaar???" and she took out her mobile and said, "Tell me your number I'll give you a miss call" Speak up Sohaj be a man "ummmmm 9550702293...Sorry it's....955...7020...9...3..2" WOOWWW I was nervous.
" comes the call"
And never in my life before the Nokia Tune seemed so nice to me!!!! Ok now numbers have been exchanged. BUT I NEVER ASKED HER IF SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND OR NOT. I'm such an idiot!!!!! But again the dilemma came. How to ask. GOD!!!! Why there is so much thinking and thinking and thinking when talking to her. Why can't, like with rest of my frnds, I ask her all what I want. Rattling my brains I started thinking for an excuse.
"Do you have a girlfriend???"
I couldn't believe my ears!!!
I wanted to ask her about her boyfriend and suddenly this. It's getting too much to carry
"Sohaj??? What happened??? Should I rephrase my question??? DO you have a boyfriend???"
And she giggled again!!!!
The water it almost crossing the bridge. I said, "Why would I have a boyfriend. I'm as straight as a line tracing the shortest distance between any two points".
She giggled again!!!
One more time and I'll lose it!!!
"You IITians!! Do you always talk about studying??? What's that word??? Ghissuu???"
It was first time anyone called me ghissu. I've been called a lot many names but never ghissu. Simply because I'm not a ghissu. Now if someone else would have done
that they'll be deep shit. But it felt good when she called me that. So I carried out the conversation, hoping I'll get my answer too.
"No we talk about a lot of stuff I can't talk with you, and answer to your previous to previous question, no I don't have a gf, never had one"
Somehow I felt, that’s because she was about to enter my fate. Just a sec!!!! DUDE!!!! Why are you getting too senti??? Something has happened for sure!!!!
"So you’re single huhh??? Enjoying life to fullest!!!"
"Ummm...Yes you can say that....what about you???....have any prince charming in your lyf???"
"We just broke up!!!"
You should have seen her. Her face which was sad suddenly grew more sadder and sadder. GOD DAMMIT!!!! I had stepped on her emotion mine. That's why she was sad. At that point I really couldn't take any more and wanted to hug her and comfort her and say it's ok. But I only said, "Ohhh I'm sorry!!!" I was already regretting my words
"Sohaj maybe you should goto sleep. You have a class in the morning. You shouldn't exert yourself anymore on my account."
I really wanted to protest and talk to her more but somehow sleep overpowered me and I slept
A looooong dreamless sleep...................
What's this light???
"Bhaiyaa wake up!!!!"
Ohhh it's sun!!! But who's speaking??? Alisha has a smoother lovelier voice.
"Bhaiyaa we have reached Roorkee!!!!"
I've reached Roorkee
It's 7.13 AM
Where is she?????
She must have left
Afterall she wouldn't talk to me again
I'll never see her again!!!
The same sinking feeling in the stomach
Wait a min!!!
I have her number. Great I'll call her and say I'm sorry. Maybe she'll forgive me. Maybe she'll agree to be only friends. That way I'll be able to see her. Her eyes, her face, her smile and her giggles. I'm ok with it. I AM an idiot and I deserve this. So I took out my phone and looked for missed calls. Weird!!! No Missed Calls!!! How come??? I remember she called me!!! I remember how sweet the Nokia Tune sounded. Ohh my phone must have been malfunctioning. But I have no time to curse my phone. I have to act fast if I ever hope to see her again. I asked the conductor, "Bhaiyaa which way did the girl sitting next to me went." I gathered she must be nearby there are only 2 ways out of the Roorkee ISBT. If I try her route I may follow her and catch her on the way. I hoped she didn't go far. She had to be near. GOD so much stress. But I'll get her.
"Which girl bhaiyaa???"
It stuck like I fell from my 7 storey hostel
"Bhaiyaa the girl which was sitting next to me the whole journey. You should have a list. Look for her name. Alisha something." Great!!!! I hadn't asked for her surname.
"Bhaiyaa you were alone the whole journey. There was nobody sitting besides you."
What was that????
How was Alisha…????
"Bhaiyaa you were sleeping the whole time. You were alone. You could never have met anyone."
7.47 AM
I was still standing on the bus stop bewildered
I knew I'll never meet her again
So guys this is my account how I met the girl in the picture
It has been over 6 months
And I still don't know what happened that night
Even if she was real or just my imagination
But only that I met a stunning and adorable girl that night
And somehow it felt she was the one for me
I checked her colg.........No success
I took the same bus again and again.........No success
I asked my hacker frnd Abhay to check my phone........No success
I made her picture, so whenever I look into it her image becomes fresh in my mind. Like it was just only last night.
Maybe it was only a dream....
And she wasn't real
My mind tells that, but my heart is not yet ready to accept that
It still searches for her sometimes
In the crowded streets of Civil Lines
On the busses from Chandigarh to Roorkee
It starts to run faster if it spots someone resembling her
But I never found her
The girl whose image is permanently  imprinted on it…

"Weblog-ifest 2011"